Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition Will Not Upgrade to Bedrock 2019
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Topic: Is there any way to purchase "Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition" ?
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- 1
- Elliander
Hi, I have a Switch that has "Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition", and another Switch that I want to get it for so they can play together. I absolutely HATE the bedrock edition (bad UI, glitchy, forced auto save so I can't do something dangerous and reload, etc), but of course I can't play with those two versions together.
Since it's been discontinued, I thought to try finding it on eBay, but every title called "Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition" looks like it has the box art for the Bedrock edition and after buying a copy, sure enough, it looks idential to bedrock. Was it ever released onto a physical medium? Or was it only ever download only? If it is physical, somewhere, that makes it possible to buy, but does the cover art look different, or is it indistinguishable?
Alternatively, I found a few websites selling a digital code for it, and there was also a Switch bundle that included a download code for it, but if it's been removed from the eShop would those codes even work properly? Or would they just download the Bedrock edition? and, similarly, what happens if I delete the version I have? Would I be able to re-download it, or would it just download the Bedrock edition?
My Switch consoles are old enough that I could always pirate it, but I'd rather not. There must be a way to actually buy a game, right? Otherwise Nintendo would just be creating an argument in support of pirates for the current console generation. So is there any way to buy it?
- 2
- Eel
Nope, it was never released physical, and it was removed from the eShop.
Maybe just get used to bedrock. You imply you want the game for your children, so chances are they won't mind the bedrock ui.
The old edition will never get any updates again, so it might be worth it to reconsider your opinion on the new one.
Edited on by Eel
- 3
- Elliander
Morpheel wrote:
Nope, it was never released physical, and it was removed from the eShop.
I know it was removed from eShop, and thanks for confirming it was never physical. It looks like people who bought it can still redownload it, so it is still on the eShop servers, so now the question is if Nintendo will honor a download code for the Switch Edition or not. If Nintendo makes you download the Bedrock when you use the code for the Switch Edition that could be potentially illegal, but the real question there would be who would be the one defrauding the customer: The store selling the download codes as the Switch Edition, or Nintendo.
Morpheel wrote:
Maybe just get used to bedrock. You imply you want the game for your children, so chances are they won't mind the bedrock ui.
Never gonna happen. Not unless Microsoft fixes it which is unlikely. If there are no options, aside from pirating I game I own, than this game will not be played on the Switch at all. Seriously, I actually did try it, and it is so bad that I've played clones that feel more like the real game than this.
EDIT: It looks like they are hosting a contest for a redesign of the UI, so I guess they recognize how bad it is, but it still means it won't be classic and doesn't imply having the same functionality as the old version, so I am still inclined to find a way around it being removed from the eShop removal.
Edited on by Elliander
- 4
- Eel
I honestly can't really find any notable difference between both versions, outside of the fact that they have a few different modes.
The game itself feels identical to me.
Either way, I'm sure you have other ways to play the game. We don't allow the discussion of piracy in this forums so please don't.
Edited on by Eel
- 5
- MysticGengar
Wait, it's gone from the eshop!? NICE! I finally own an unobtainable game!
On the other hand, I don't think bedrock is bad. They just swapped the jump button if I recall corectly. I can see why you dislike the autosave, but that seems like cheating if you ask me. Anyway, I think it's best to just get used to bedrock. They are redesigning the UI from what I heard, so it might get better soon. In the meantime, just deal with it. It was a big shift for me as well, but I frequently play bedrock now. There will likeley be no way to get the game ever again, unless you get a sketchy online code.
Nice >:]
I do stupid stuff on youtube.com/mysticbros, so check it out if your bored or whatever.
Or don't, it's your time after all.
- 6
- ok1
@Eel No, Nintendo Switch Edition was most definitely physical. I remember seeing 60 dollar cartridges. The Bedrock Edition is much cheaper and honestly much better in most qualities.
- 7
These download codes are the only way now to officially obtain the old version. There was no cartridge version.
Switch fc: 6705-1518-0990
- 8
- Liverios
Can you pls share the sites with those digital codes of the game I can't find them
- 10
- Eel
That listing is for the current version of Minecraft.
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- Liverios
@Eel I know. do you have any links?
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- Eel
I don't think you'll be able to buy the old version at all. Outside of buying an account with access to it or something like that.
- 13
- sewshyfish
Liverios wrote:
Can you pls share the sites with those digital codes of the game I can't find them
I would also like to know
- 14
- sewshyfish
Eel wrote:
I don't think you'll be able to buy the old version at all. Outside of buying an account with access to it or something like that.
Do you believe a digital code would still work?
- 15
- sewshyfish
@Eel Is this the fourm you were referring to?
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- Eel
About your question, it might be possible to use a download code, I don't know if they expire. However, I wouldn't bet on it.
The game is simply no more. They want you to play the newer version.
Edited on by Eel
- 17
- sewshyfish
I understand they want me to play the newer version, but I enjoy the older one too. I've been looking around for a code, but I really don't know the right spot to look for one. I'm assuming it's illegal for a download code that was purchased to expire.
- 18
- SwitchForce
sewshyfish wrote:
I understand they want me to play the newer version, but I enjoy the older one too. I've been looking around for a code, but I really don't know the right spot to look for one. I'm assuming it's illegal for a download code that was purchased to expire.
Your only option is the go and buy used Physical copies. So you have option but your not looking.
- 19
- sewshyfish
Well the game was never launched physically so I think I may be out of luck. Also are you Zach from Switch Force on Youtube?
- 20
- SwitchForce
No this is just a users name because I liked the reviewer.
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Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition Will Not Upgrade to Bedrock 2019
Source: https://www.nintendolife.com/forums/nintendo-switch/is_there_any_way_to_purchase_minecraft_nintendo_switch_edition
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