How to Make Minecraft Realm an Older Edition
What are Minecraft Realms and how to create one

Unsure about what Minecraft Realms are and want to know more about them? You're in the right place. If you're looking to move past the casual interest in the block-building game, chances are you've looked up how to start your own server for yourself and your friends. That's why you should try Minecraft Realms, it gives you a simple way to invite people to your own private Minecraft world without all the hassle.
There's room for up to ten people in your realm and you won't have to worry about safety, as they're private to you and the people you invite. Minecraft Realms requires a subscription, but only the player that creates the Realm will need one—friends can join for free, providing they own the game, of course. It's a great option if you're looking for a safe environment for younger players to build and explore. Cross-play is also enabled, though not between Java and Bedrock Editions.
The only real downside is that the best Minecraft mods can't be used with Minecraft Realms. But they are online 24/7, meaning the host won't need to be there before others can join. So if you want to know all about Minecraft Realms and how to create one, read on below.
Minecraft Realms: How much does it cost?
There are two versions of Minecraft Realms, which are essentially a basic version and a deluxe package. As you might expect, the more expensive one comes with more benefits.
First off, the basic version costs $3.99 / £3.29 per month, and that enables you to create a realm for a maximum of two players plus you, which will remain constantly online. As a rolling month-long subscription, you can stop at any time if you aren't really getting the use out of it you need. Mojang offer a 30-day free trial for those who want to test the subscription out first.
What is Realms Plus?
The more costly version, Realms Plus, costs $7.99 / £6.69 and allows up to 10 players plus you. This version also gives you free access to over 50 marketplace packs, which includes mini-games, maps, and skins. You get a 30-day free trial of Realms Plus too, so it basically comes with a free month.
How to set up Minecraft Realms
Once you have decided which Realms subscription you want, it's time to start setting it up. You do this by opening the game (obviously), then clicking Play, Create New, and finally New Realm. From here, you create the realm as you would create anything else in Minecraft, taking as long as you want to perfect your little world.
Once it's ready, you will then need to name the realm and choose your realm size. You will then be prompted to invite players to join with an invite link. If you want to invite more players later, you can find the invite link in the Player Settings menu.
How to replace your world in Minecraft Realms
Replacing a world in Minecraft Realms is literally as easy as pushing a button. Which button? The 'Replace World' button in the Realms Menu, of course. This then lets you upload a previously downloaded world. You can also push the Realms Backup button instead, which will pull up each of your previous backups and give you the option to restore them. This list comes with timestamps too, so it's pretty convenient and easy to navigate.
There's also a Reset Realm button, which allows you to create a new realm from scratch to replace your current one.
What's the difference between a realm and a server?
As with most things in life, the big difference is cash. Like we said above, Minecraft Realms costs money. Servers don't. Another difference is that Realms will always be online, whether the creator is or not, but Realms do have stricter limits on how many people can participate.
And that's all you need to know about Minecraft Realms. Now, whenever you're talking Minecraft, you can be in your realm-ement.
How to Make Minecraft Realm an Older Edition
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